shell循环的区别for&while read line 您所在的位置:网站首页 while read line的用法 shell循环的区别for&while read line

shell循环的区别for&while read line

2023-10-08 20:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

华为RH2288H V2(Hadoop) centos7部署小结

weixin_45666404: 这个服务器可以像普通家用电脑那样用U盘装系统吗

Centos6.5 误删/etc/passwd 系统无法正常启动 救援模式下恢复

Jimmy_xmb: 今天遇到误删bash导致无法启动的情况 学习一下 init: Failed to spawn readahead-collector main process: unable to execute: No such file or directory init: Failed to spawn rcS pre-start process: unable to execute: No such file or directory init: Failed to spawn readahead main process: unable to execute: No such file or directory init: Failed to spawn readahead-collector post-stop process: unable to execute: No such file or directory init: Failed to spawn rcS post-stop process: unable to execute: No such file or directory init: Failed to spawn readahead-disable-services main process: unable to execute: No such file or director

中兴服务器 bmc 登不上

Jimmy_xmb: 大佬牛逼!

华为RH2288H V2(Hadoop) centos7部署小结

Jimmy_xmb: 你做的是raid1吧,单盘可以做raid0 另外,先选择raid格式,再选盘

华为RH2288H V2(Hadoop) centos7部署小结

Lee hone: 你好,请教下,每一个盘做一个raid0怎么做呢,比较急,因为弄组的时候必须选2个盘,做raid的时候默认是一个组,难道不能用一个盘做raid0吗






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